Meteorological Forecasts
The definition of the appropriate and suitable meteorological conditions to activate the equipment and to racomplish a successful cloud planting is performed by the meteorologist in charge of the Program, a professional with experience in Climate Modification. His work is based on:
- Constant monitoring of the atmospheric conditions, using information of surface, of height, satellite images and the one provided by the numerical models of meteorological forecasts.
- His work is 24/7, and it is he who runs the Program operationally, interacting with the equipment network, the technical team to detect any abnormality with some equipment, as well as the direct technical relationship with the customers.
- This work can be carried out in situ, that is to say with the physical presence of the meteorologist in the place where the Program is located.
- This work can be remotely, since thanks to the technological levels, both of interaction with the equipment network, access to all necessary technical and meteorological information may be carried out from locations far from the Program's place of operation.